Recycled bags that once held ground coffee, plus a Constant Comment tea bag envelope: these form the lettering that spell out Abuse of Power, the number one reason Trump should be dumped. Recycled Cheetos bag, citrus mesh bags, novelty-print fabrics, and burnt pages from a pocket-size constitution form a composition stretched along the top of an old rake. At this juncture, all informed citizens are thoroughly disgusted by the senate majority  lacking in the guts and conscience to call witnesses for their hearings, and to vote to remove this immoral rake from office. He should have been raked over the coals. Instead, he continues to burn down our constitutional rights. It’s up to us to remove him this November.

Some good news, on a personal level: This was just accepted into a juried show called “Subversion.” Piece will be exhibited, along with Trumpasaurus Rex, at Da Vinci Art Alliance, 725 Catherine st., Philadelphia, PA from Feb. 26 until March 22.